Connectors of addition / cause-effect

Resultado de imagen para connectors of addition/cause-effectConnectors of addition / cause-effect

The connectors are used to demonstrate or express more specifically and improve writing. They add variety and sophistication to writing.
 In the English language several different words are used to show cause and effect. The examples are: for, because, as, from, therefore, therefore, as a result, consequently, due to, due to, as a result of, etc.


1.-You must be working because you do not answer your cell phone

I decided to do it on the day, because I felt tired of doing it at night

I helped because I liked it.

2.-As it is raining again, we will have to stay at home.

It was raining, so we stayed at home.

3.-As they have not yet arrived, we will have to leave without them.

He has not arrived yet, so we'll have to leave without him.

4.-Poor parents could not support the baby. Therefore, they sent him with his uncles.

5.-We had to cancel the exit due to the commitment to the graduation of my daughter.

6.-Due to bad weather, the match was canceled.

We had to cancel the photo session due to bad weather.

I arrived late due to the fact that the truck was late.
Resultado de imagen para connectors of addition/cause-effect


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