expressing ability

Expressing Ability

General ability means that a person has the ability to do something at all times and in all situations.
Specific ability means that the person has the ability to do something in a specific situation or at a specific time for that, thanks to articles such as:
You can, you can, you can, you can do it, you can do it, you can be successful, you can have an expression.

for exemple:

1-adriana is able to play the  drums
2-1-adriana is not able to play the drums
3-  I can drive a car
4- I can"t drive a car
5- Laura could  will be dancer
6-Laura couldn"t will be dancer
7-Thomas manage to play the piano
8-Thomas don"t manage to play piano
9-Joel is capable of  singing opera
10-Joel is incapable of  singing opera
11-teodoro is good at cooking
12-teodoro is not good at cooking
13-therapist succed in rehabilite the  persons
14-therapist not succed in rehabilite the persons.


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